Welcome to Part 5 of Boosting Your Immune System. In case you are wondering, I am a Precision Nutrition Coach and have been for around 5 years. They put together an infographic that was extremely long and thorough. I am breaking it up into little pieces in the hope that it will be more digestible this way. No pun intended. Nah, I intended it.
Need to catch up?
If you want to get caught up here are the previous links.
Part 1: https://mfactorfitnessandnutrition.com/ways-to-boost-immunity-part-1-focus/
Part 4: https://mfactorfitnessandnutrition.com/ways-to-boost-immunity-part-4-immune-supporting-habits/

Please pay attention to number 2. This is the Precision Nutrition eating system in a nutshell. Wow, another pun, look at that!
You can’t have a good immune system if you don’t take in enough calories and you can’t have a great immune system unless you get the right combination of foods. Nothing exotic or complicated, just common foods in a good combination.

The sleep stuff sounds simple and common sense doesn’t it? This is backed up by sleep science and makes a big difference in the quality of your sleep.
An easy way to practice #7 is to get away from all electronic devices for 30 minutes. No tv, phone or email. Running is my meditation but it can also be gardening, mowing the lawn or basically anything where you don’t have a constant distraction.

Want to know more?
I am accepting new clients. Please fill out this form and we can talk. I offer a free 30 minute consult ( not a sales pitch ) to see if I can be of help.
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