Workout of The Week: Superset Madness

Workout of the Week #1 Superset Madness

Are you in the mood for a hard workout of week?

A Workout of the week or WOW is not for the weak.
 This one is from my online training program and it is a doozy.
I am going to give you an idea what to do based on screen pics.
Members get this on their phone with HD video and a full description of each exercise.
Oh yeah, it is only $10/month. Click here for more info.
First off, you need an interval timer.

What is an interval timer you ask?

Basically the interval timer keeps you moving. Work on the ding and stop on the next ding. Don’t worry about counting reps, just go for it.

For some of my workouts I build a timer inside the program so you can click and go.

This workout of the week is simple, yet hard to add a timer in so you will have to download a HIIT (high intensity interval timer).

The good news is that they are free to download.

The other good news is that they all work the same.

You want to program the number of sets.

In this case you are doing 3 sets of 2 exercises, then taking a break.

So we are talking about 6 sets.

Program work time.

Beginners start with 40 seconds, intermediates use 45 seconds and hardcores use 50 seconds.

Program rest time

Beginners use 20 seconds, intermediates use 15 seconds and advanced use 10 seconds.

The workout explained

The workout consists of 4 mini circuits. Do each circuit 3 times then move on to the next.
Your first group of exercises is dumbbell presses followed by squats.
Then you have alternating lunges and dumbbell rows…get it?
This is a sample of the workouts I do with my clients and the workouts you can get on my online training program.
If you are a member, you can go in and substitute exercises with my exercise library which has over 200 exercises.
My online training features a free smartphone app download that has HD videos and a built in timer that will show you what exercise to do and automatically switch to the next one.
workout of the week

Pretty cool for just $10/month. Check it out at


Online training

Exercise Descriptions

The actual workout on your smartphone includes HD video and a Built in Interval timer.
You also have the ability to customize your workout by substituting exercises.
online coaching
Online personal training

To learn more about how to become an M Factor Fitness Online Member Click Here.

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Picture of Michael Medvig

Michael Medvig

My job is to make you a better version of yourself through mental and physical training...with a bit of humor thrown in.