This is Part 2 of an infographic I received from Precision Nutrition. As always they pack a lot of information into these so I thought it best to break it up.
Who is a certified nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition? I am. So here is part two with added commentary.

I found this to be very interesting. Remember back in part one where we were talking about things you have control over and things you don’t?
If not, go here to check it out,
So here is your quiz.
In terms of risk factors, what do you think you have control over? Really most of the factors. We are all a victim of age and due to genetics we may have a less than perfect sequence for immunity.
The good thing is that everything else is open for improvement. The other great thing is that I can help you with most of these risk factors.
My hope is that this pandemic is a wake-up call for anyone who is overweight and has an unhealthy lifestyle. I am not asking you for a total 180 degree transformation but I am suggesting that you can make great improvements with a couple tweaks.
The adaptive immunity section at the bottom is somewhat controversial. Our immune system was meant to be active and well trained. The more things you get exposed to the more adaptations can evolve and the more prepared you will be next time around.
There is an argument that we may be too sanitary and our immune systems aren’t challenged. That sounds like a good thing but asthma, allergies, Crohn’s etc… are all cases where the immune system turns on the body instead of protecting it.
While the pandemic is going on it seems obvious to stay as germ free as possible. But in the bigger picture, exposure to germs and bacteria may not be as bad as you think.
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