Let’s have an honest discussion here because I believe that under the right circumstances, the answer is yes.
When I was just starting out I used to dread the client that only wanted to train once a week. I was pretty naive back then. My concern was that they weren’t going to do anything the rest of the week and not make progress. The plan was that they would love my workouts, fall in love with the fitness lifestyle and gladly add a few extra sessions a week. I know, pretty naive thinking.
And I am not being cynical here. An insurance agent thinks you should have a lot of insurance. A car salesman thinks you should get a new car every year. Personal trainers think that you should work out all the time. It is the mindset.
What I didn’t understand at that time was that if someone only has the budget or time to meet with me once a week, that may be the truth. In many cases it is and I don’t have a problem with it. I think it is a great idea.
Here are some real life examples.
The Do-It-Yourself Client
Nathan knows how to workout but he had a little trouble getting started. He has his own business and works odd hours. He is a guy who is willing to do the work, motivated and has proven he can work out on his own. So when we meet we focus on two areas.
Mobility Rehab
He gets some reoccurring aches and pains from his job. He tends to bend over for long periods and get slower back pain and upper back tightness. He has exercises to do with foam rollers, softballs and stretches to fix this. Meeting once a week gives us time to reconnect and see if everything is getting better. I can substitute some new movements or make suggestions.
High Intensity Workouts
Nathan likes quick workouts he can fit in his lifestyle and do anywhere with a minimum of equipment. Doing the same workouts over and over get boring so this is a great time to add the workout of the week. Or we mix things up and try something new. In either case this gives me a chance to check with form and make sure everything is being done correctly.
We have been doing this for over six months now and he is making great progress. He is a quick learner and has a great ethic. I love going over there because he is ready for anything.
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The crazy busy person
I really don’t like the phrase “Something is better than nothing” because it implies that someone isn’t doing less than their best. I have clients who truly don’t have free time to train more often.
There are two schools of thought here. One, you actually have time if you really wanted it. Two, you really don’t have time because your life is on hyperdrive. Either way the reality is that your not going to drop your obligations so let’s maximize the time we have together. Even if it is an hour a week, it can make a difference.
Two of my favorite people in the world are Kerstin and David. Great people trying to raise a family and run their own business. When I first met them they were stressed out. Sitting for extended periods and the stress of their business had really taken a toll. I was in pain just looking at them. His shoulder and upper back were jacked up (sorry for the technical jargon) up and she had lower back pain.
Whether they were going to hire me or not, I hate seeing people in pain so I excused myself and came back with my bag of tricks. I started showing them mobility exercises as we talked and by the end of the consultation both were looking and feeling better. I am not a magician. I can’t fix problems that were a decade in the making with a couple exercises but I can make a temporary difference. They started doing the exercises I showed them for about five minutes a day and within a couple of days they were much better off.
These were simple exercises with a tennis ball or softball. Stuff you have laying around the house can be very effective mobility tools. The exercises are easy to learn and if they work, you get instant relief.
They are a great example of people that really need special attention. With Nathan I maybe spend 5-10 minutes on mobility work, David and Kerstin needed 30 minutes at first until they were able to gain enough mobility to do the exercises pain free.
Believe me, they are busy. So when we get together my main concern is getting them ready to face the week. My job is to give them quick exercises they can do to counteract long periods of sitting and driving.
The more we meet, the better the shoulder and back get and that allows us to add strengthening exercises but I have to be respectful of their time.
Here are some simple, cheap mobility tools I use and recommend for my people. You can also use golf balls, tennis balls, lacrosse balls and softballs.
Does all this make sense?
Hopefully this makes sense to you. I seldom train clients in a perfect world. There are budgets and time constraints. My niche audience are men and women 40-70 who need to get back in shape. We all suffer from the effects of modern day life. We sit too much, maybe carry a little extra weight and don’t have a lot of time. Often times this is a temporary situation. Instead of waiting until you have enough time to fully commit to getting back in shape, start now and let’s work with the time you have.
My expertise is in removing these mobility issues and getting you to the point where you can safely do exercises with proper form. Can you get this in a gym? Maybe. Most of my clients have tried boot camps, gyms and either get injured or just stop going.
Even if you meet with me once a week, we can make progress. I will give you the tools and the homework assignments to make it happen but I am also respectful of your time.
If you are interested in In Home training or one of my online training programs, I offer a free 30 minute consultation to see if this is right for you.
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