Some of you may know I am a coach with Precision Nutrition which is a no nonsense approach to eating. I just received a huge infographic from them I want to share but it is just too big to share at once. So here is part one with my commentary.

This is excellent advice that is more important now than ever. One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard was, ” Don’t try and change the world, change you world”.
Because you can’t change the world. Worrying about it won’t help. Lecturing people on Facebook won’t help. I know people who have been monitoring the news about Covid-19 because they have a need to feel informed. They have been doing this non-stop 7 days a week for months and they are emotional wrecks. Instead of gaining knowledge, they gained stress.
The information will change but the stress adds up. The stress makes you less effective as a human being and weakens your immune system which makes you more vulnerable to catching the thing you are trying to protect yourself from.
It is a vicious circle and the media loves scaring you. They truly do because if you are scared you will watch and they make money.
Are You Missing an Opportunity?
Being quarantined has given me the one thing I wish I had more of…time.
Time to work on myself, get projects completed and come out of this a better version of myself.
Everyone is affected by this, some more than others.
I realize that for some families this has been catastrophic. Jobs have disappeared, friends and family have been lost and that is something you have to deal with. One of the hardest things to do is to pick up the pieces and carry on with life.
The best way to do this is to take control over what you have control over. Try and let everything else go, if possible.
This graphic will help you prioritize your focus.
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