The Mental Side of Fitness

The Mental Side

Getting Control of the Brain

Tell me if this is true or not.

People, myself included, have spent thousands of dollars on fitness. Whether it is the newest diet, nutrition craze, gyms or workouts, there is an endless stream of products to give us what we desire. 

If the products and science is so good, why is there a 95% rate of failure?

It has very little to do with nutrition or workouts. I seldom come across anything that is a really bad idea but think of this.

If I sat you down and had you write out a workout program, I bet it would be pretty good. it may not be great but it would be good enough to get results.

If I sat you down and had you list out the foods you should eat and the foods you should avoid, I bet you would do even better.

So the question isn’t “What do I need to do?”

The real question is “Why can’t I do it?”

Getting you head right is at least 80% of the puzzle.

This is where you may get a little put off by my program. No one likes to think they aren’t in control of what they do or what they think. So let me be the first to say I struggle with this and even though I have made great strides, it is still an issue and it will always be.

What is the Mental Side?

  • Monitoring and controlling self-talk.
  • Exploring why these thoughts come into your head.
  • Self-Sabotage
  • Lack of self-esteem and/or self-confidence.
  • Lack of motivation
  • Inability to push through discomfort.
  • Inability to reach goals.
  • Making excuses.
  • Blaming others.
  • Lack of self-control.

I could go on and on but you understand the idea.

You can control how you think.

This is not pop psychology or motivational speeches. This is how your brain works based on scientific research. Knowing that this exists has changed the way I look at life. I would love to say I invented all this but I have borrowed bits and pieces form the books I have read over the years and I think it is important that you read this information directly from the authors.

This can’t be a passive activity. If you just read this page, nothing will change. You can some degree of benefit from the workouts and my nutrition advice but it will only be a small fraction of what you will get if you focus on this section.

Recommended Book List

We are going to start with “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself”. Start with this one and “The Chimp Paradox” first and the weekly emails will make a lot more sense.

Since I drive around all day, I find Audible to be a great way to get through these books. If I really like the Audible version, then I get the physical book to mark up and highlight.

Choose whatever method you want. There should be an Audible Icon on top of the sidebar to the right that has introductory deals. Check it out. If not, here are some Amazon links for you to get the books. 

The first three books You should read.

Then tackle these.

If you are interested in taking this to the next level, let’s talk about it. 

Fill out this form for a free 30 minute consultation to see if this is a good fit for you.