“Be Wary of anything that seems too complicated.
Be More Wary of anyone making something simple more complicated.”
Wise words and I wish I knew who said them first.
What I do know is that for most people out there and by most I mean 90-95% getting in shape is pretty basic.
I realize as a personal trainer I am supposed to make you believe that I have special secrets that I only reveal to my clients. Or that I have a way to get you in shape without the effort.
I hate to disappoint you but building muscle and dropping fat is about work. Hard work. That is why most people aren’t successful at it. It is a job you have to show up at 6 days a week and meet your quota or you don’t get a paycheck.
Simple as that.
By the way, the other 5-10% of people that can’t lose weight through diet and exercise have some physical issues that need to be addressed. No one else has an excuse.
You want better results….work harder. And…..work smarter but seldom is working smarter easier.
So just get used to the idea of working hard.
In terms of working out, working smarter means:
- Compound body movements with perfect or close to perfect technique.
- Planned workouts designed to maximize results and minimize time.
- Staying with basic movements to tie in muscle groups fine tune technique.
In terms of nutrition this means:
- Basing your nutrition (whether you are trying to gain muscle, lose fat or both) around protein intake.
- Taking in enough calories tooptimize your metabolism.
- Taking in calories that do something for you an eliminating junk calories.
In terms of lifestyle:
- Getting enough sleep to recover.
- Developing a mindset to deal with stress and pressure without resorting to drugs, alcohol and prescriptions.
Now this is not going to be a comprehensive article going over every detail. The purpose of this is to get you to focus on the big factors that affect your health. Notice I am not talking about supplements, Bolivian butt dancing, exotic fruits from Polynesia, findings from pointy heads in lab coats or other distractions? Because that is all they all….distractions. They may have some merit but they are not the prime movers in you getting fit. So don’t dwell on that stuff.
Supplements can help you with the last 5-10% but don’t worry about that until you have a handle on the first 90-95%.
#1 Focus on hard consistent work.
#2 Eat like an athlete not a dieter.
#3 Measure evaluate and question.
Devote your time to these things and you will get results.
P.S. if you are the kind of person that would rather listen to me rather than read, then you need to get in on my podcast. The M Factor Fitness Funkcast. 30 minutes of fitness stuff, goofing around and general good times. Get it here on Itunes or here at podbean.com
Visit me at https://www.mfactorfitnessandnutrition.com
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Tweet with me @mfactormike
Michael Medvig is a personal trainer and owner of M Factor Fitness Inc., an in home personal training company in Parker Colorado. This blog represents opinions on fitness. Do your own research and draw your own conclusions. All information and materials on this site are provided as is and without warranty of any kind. These materials (including all text, images, logos, compilation, and design, unless otherwise noted) are copyright 2001-2010 M Factor Fitness Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 2001-2010 M Factor Fitness Inc. All rights reserved.
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