Do your fitness goals seem overwhelming?
Have you given up on the idea that you will ever look and feel the way you want to?
First off, there is nothing wrong with you because change is scary and big changes can be very scary. being scared can lead to indecision and a lack of commitment. Your mind can make the possible look impossible.
This is why this article is so important for you to understand. This is why the analogy of elephants and elephant steaks work so well.
So let’s start there. By the way, I didn’t come up with this elephant analogy and don’t take it too literally. We could have picked a whale, water buffalo, yak or any other large animal. The animal is irrelevant, it is the size of the animal that is important. So here is the question:
Can you eat a whole elephant?
If you say no, your mind might be thinking about eating the elephant in one sitting. I agree that would be impossible but is that the only way?
What about elephant steaks? I could eat an elephant steak everyday and after a while I would have eaten the whole elephant.
So how do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
I created my design store to go with my personal training. If you are making your goals happen, show the world. All my designs come in t-shirts, tanks, hoodies, sweats, coffee mugs, stickers and more. Check it out here at https://www.designsbyzazz.com/product-category/themes/motivational/
Here are todays spotlight items.
Step 1: Reframing
The concept is called reframing and it is an important tool for your toolbox. Whatever your problem is in life, look at it differently.
If I need to lose 100 pounds, that seems like an impossible task. Do I actually need to lose 100 pounds? No.
All I have to do is lose 2 pounds a week. Can you lose two pounds a week? Sure, my clients do it all the time and it doesn’t take a massive amount of time or effort. In a year I would have lost 100 pounds and in the span of a lifetime, a year is nothing.
Do you see my point?
That is step one: Reframe the situation and scale it to a point where it is readily achievable.
Step 2- Keep moving forward.
The Navy Seals have one of the toughest weeks of training anywhere. Their hell week is designed to eliminate anyone with a weak mind or a weak spirit.
It is designed to break you.
What I found interesting is that the officers interview the candidates everyday to see where their head is at. When the training starts they have no idea who is going to make it and who will fail. As the training goes on they know with a high degree of precision who will make it and who won’t.
The ones that won’t, think about making it through the entire training. They focus on the big picture and the big picture is too scary and overwhelming. So they quit.
The ones that succeed do so by trying to get the next task done. To finish all they have to do is keep moving forward. One task at a time or even one step at a time.
Make sense?
Candidates that fail get freaked out by the enormous amount of work, pain and suffering they have to endure. The pressure eventually get to them.
The candidates that win break down this gigantic task into doable portions.
You should do the same thing. All you have to do is the next workout. All you have to do is control what goes into your mouth your next meal. That is it.
I still can’t believe I run marathons. 26.1 miles is a crazy distance I can’t wrap my mind around it. Sometimes while driving I will reset the odometer and try and drive that distance. It is hard to even do that.
So I don’t even think about it. I break it down into small bites size pieces.
- Sign up
- Show up
- Do one mile at a time.
- When that gets too hard, focus on making it to a landmark I can see.
- When that gets too hard I just put one foot in front of another.
Eventually I will get there. I know this for a fact.
I am not saying it is easy but it will keep you focused on the task at hand.
I am here to help you with your fitness goal. I share advice like this with my clients everyday. If you are interested in checking out my training, fill out the form below for a free 30 minute consultation.
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