You know I am not a corporate shill and I don’t consider myself a conspiracy kook. But I am in the health industry and there is always someone trying to put something over on the public. I just like to ask questions. And yes, you should decide for yourself if any of this makes sense to you.
Today’s topic? Skim milk- all the good stuff of milk without the bad stuff?
Here is an interesting article I found from the Atlantic monthly called “The controversial life of skim milk“.
Here is the link, http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/11/the-controversial-life-of-skim-milk/281655/
So is skim healthy?
How do you make Skim milk? I had no idea this is how you make skim milk.
1. Take milk, remove the fat (which removes a lot of the vitamin content including vitamins A,D,E and K).
2. Add back in artificial A and D. These are fat soluble vitamins so if you aren’t eating fat with your milk, your body will not absorb them. By the way, the dairies throw in D2 which is cheap, inferior and poorly absorbed version of vitamin D so your body probably won’t be able to do anything with it anyway. What you want is Vitamin D3.
So what is left? You have gotten rid of the fat but you still have 13 g of sugar and a handful of vitamins that will be poorly absorbed. So you are consuming fewer calories but you have also sucked the nutrition out.
There are studies out there that show people who drink regular milk lose more weight than skim milk drinkers. Why?
1. Whole milk gives you a feeling of fullness plus vitamins associated with weight loss and metabolism. Fat soluble vitamins combined with a fat source mean you are getting usable nutrition.
2. People who drink skim milk have been found to actually eat more calories than their whole milk counterparts. This is because skim milk does not give you that full feeling so you actually end up feeling hungry.
3. Combine skim milk with your typical cereal and you are getting a ton of sugar, very little usable nutrition and an inability to get that full feeling. This leads to overeating.
4. If you drink a lot of skim milk, you are also getting a heaping does of cow antibiotics, grain GMO crap and other trace chemicals in your body.
5. There is no proof that consuming whole milk increases cholesterol and no proof that consuming skim milk reduces it.
Science is really beginning to expose the fallacies we all believed in the 80’s. I find it crazy that it has taken 30 something years to disprove some of these ideas. Again, don’t take my word for this, do your own research and come up with your own conclusions.
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