” I want to get in shape so I can fill two 20 foot dumpsters with garbage!”
I am pretty sure has ever requested this as their goal but I wouldn’t blink an eye if someone did. It makes sense to me. My clients want to lose weight and feel better but it never occurs to them what else they can do.
That is the point of this story. I absolutely love what I do and my clients quickly become friends. Doing in home training, I will have ten to fifteen people at a time to train. I keep it small and we become like family. Most of my people I have worked with them for years and a few for over a decade. That is a rarity these days and I probably don’t thank them enough for their continued loyalty but they mean everything to me.
Note: I don’t post pictures of my people. This is not a website where you are going to find before and after photos.
Except this one that I really like.

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People train in the privacy of their homes for a reason. They want privacy. Plus I train a number of high profile people and I am sure they don’t want pictures of themselves in underwear circulating around the internet. In addition, other sites will steal these before and afters and post them as their own. So out of respect to all parties and keep me out of trouble, I just stay out of that game. If you ever decide to train with me and want references I will give you phone numbers of anyone you want and you can speak to them directly.
Get Motivated with the perfect workout shirt from the Designs by Zazz, the official store of M Factor fitness. https://teespring.com/stores/get-motivated-5
So let’s talk about one of my favorite people in the world, Kathy. She just turned 64 and spent the past weekend helping her daughter out at her house. This included filling up two twenty foot dumpsters with bushes, lumber and all kinds of heavy junk. Over the weekend I get these great texts,
“Filled another 20 foot dumpster today, almost too tired to lift a beer.”
“You’re not kidding, It was all heavy stuff. My daughter is really impressed.”
” I could not be doing what I am doing at this age if I wasn’t working out with you”.
Does that bring a tear to your eye or what!
This is the hidden part about why you need to stay in shape.
There is a saying, “All show and no go” in the fitness business that means a lot of people train to look good but can’t actually do anything with it. Some people go to the gym and use a lot of machines and change the way they look. They be the envy of the gym by how much weight they can use but outside of the gym they are very weak. Gym strength doesn’t always carry over into real world strength.
Kathy understands this. She dogs to pick up and carry, yard work, landscaping and a host of other jobs that require squatting down, twisting and carrying. It only makes sense to train in the gym to mimic things you need to be able to accomplish in life, right?
Kathy has always been an outstanding example of someone who can work eight to ten hours outside without an issue. But it wasn’t always that way. She has had to work at it, no pun intended.
The key concept is that she can do whatever needs to get done. She has a choice. That is independence. As a single mom she doesn’t have the luxury having someone else to depend on. Life takes a physical and emotional toll on all of us and I take great pride knowing that I was able to help get through some of those tough times.
Prospective clients don’t understand the impact that training can make on their lives and I can see why. They have led limited lives either due to being out of shape or being injured. They have the mindset of avoiding activities and working around life rather than embracing it. People start to embrace a philosophy of the older they get the less they can do. One of the greatest tragedies in my business are people who quit right when they are on the edge of a breakthrough.
M Factor Fitness training is based on fixing injuries and putting you in the position to live your life again.
Another one of my people, Sherrie figured that out.
“I walked up a flight of stairs today and you know what? I wasn’t even out of breath. I don’t know if you understand what that means to me.“
At some point I will talk more about Sherrie but today is about Kathy. We meet three days a week so we get in a consistent amount of work. She realizes that if she wants to stay independent she needs to train hard and stay consistent. Working with her through the years, it is really cool to see her healthy and vibrant. I am not going to take credit for this because she is the one doing the work. I am just glad to be able to witness it.
Life can be harsh. Kathy made the wise choice in her early fifties to get back in shape and stay there. She invested in her health. No way she could have foreseen how that simple choice has paid off now that she is in her sixties. Her friends that didn’t make the same choice are seeing the results of their inaction and it isn’t pretty.
Anybody can improve their health as long as you are willing to invest in yourself and put the work in and I would be happy to help you on that path.
Invest in yourself and invest in your gym. Here are some of Kathy’s favorite pieces of fitness equipment.
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