Egad, I thought we went through this last week. Here is another list for you.
Sorry to be a buzz kill but you need to know this stuff.
Will it keep me from eating ribs? I will take my chances on that one. But I try to make sure my body is ready to handle the onslaught the world hurls at me with my beloved bulletproof coffee and my probiotics.
Banned foods in your plate?
By Nick Pineault
Author and investigator, The Truth About Fat Burning Foods
Every day, Americans eat tons of dangerous banned ingredients, and
chances are you’re one of them.
I don’t mean to scare you, but to simply tell you the truth.
I’ve spent the last 7+ years researching how our food is made, and
discovered dark secrets I have to tell the world – even if it
makes me the most HATED expert by the big companies.
Here’s my top 5 banned ingredients that end up in most plates:
1) Ractopamine (in pork)
It’s banned in the European Union, China, and Taiwan – but Consumer
Reports found this dangerous drug in 20% of all pork products.
Oh, and as a side note – recent studies also found that 81% of all
supermarket meats in the US are contaminated with
antibiotic-resistant bacteria which damage your gut flora and slow
down your weight loss.
2) rBGH (in milk)
While Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and all
European Union countries banned the use of rBGH, this hormone used
to increase cows’ milk product is still used in all 50 states.
The use of rBGH increases the levels of IGF-1 hormone in the milk
by at least 6 folds, increasing risks of various cancers.
3) GMOs (in almost everything)
Over 50 countries require labeling of GMO foods, and many of them
banned GMOs altogether.
In the US, GMO foods are NOT labeled – even if 91% of the
population feels like they should be. And because 90% of all soy,
corn, canola and sugar (sugar beet) in the US is now GMO, Americans
eat their weight in GMO foods each year.
The first-ever lifetime feeding study on the potential health risks
of GMOs was published in September 2012. The results of feeding
rats GMO corn for two years were very scary:
- Some rats developed massive tumors that represent 25% of their body weight
- Liver damage was up to 5 times higher in the GMO group than in the non-GMO group
- Female rats that ate GMOs had a 3X higher risk of premature death4) Potassium Bromate (in bread)Called a cancer threat by the CSPI since 1999, banned from dozens
of countries, this ingredient is still used in bread these days.5) Chloramphenicol (in honey)This antibiotic used on honey bees has been banned in the US for
years, but can still be found in cheap supermarket honey (along
with heavy metals) that comes from China.The concerning thing is that a recent study found that 75% or more
of all the honey in the U.S. may be Chinese honey sold as American
Visit me at http://www.mfactorfitness.com
Michael Medvig is a personal trainer and owner of M Factor Fitness Inc., an in home personal training company in Parker Colorado. This blog represents opinions on fitness. Do your own research and draw your own conclusions. All information and materials on this site are provided as is and without warranty of any kind. These materials (including all text, images, logos, compilation, and design, unless otherwise noted) are copyright 2001-2010 M Factor Fitness Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 2001-2010 M Factor Fitness Inc. All rights reserved. |
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