Hi Everyone, how is your Monday going? I, personally, am tired of hearing bad news. I try to block it out and completely as possible and live in my own little positively charged reality. In my world I get a number of emails on nutrition especially how to boost testosterone. Most of these involve exotic plants, […]
Post 82: M Factor Fitness War on Fat Month Part 4: Your Fat Cells’ Secret Weight Loss Weapon
Your Fat Cells’ Secret Weight Loss Weapon By Mike Roussell, PhD It would seem kind of crazy to think that your fat cells would release compounds that would actually make them shrink in size, but they do. It is just up to you to take advantage of your fat cells’ self-destructive behavior. One way to […]
Post 81: Working Out-The Big Picture
If you really want to change the shape of your body, you must incorporate three things into your life1. Strength training2. Cardio training ( This can also be a part of your strength training )3. Good nutrition4. Fixing any past internal damage to your body.The key to the effectiveness of an exercise program is to […]
Post 80: July Official War on Fat Month Part 3: Your Fat Cells’ Secret Weight Loss Weapon
Your Fat Cells’ Secret Weight Loss Weapon By Mike Roussell, PhD It would seem kind of crazy to think that your fat cells would release compounds that would actually make them shrink in size, but they do. It is just up to you to take advantage of your fat cells’ self-destructive behavior. One way to […]
Post 79: July Official War on Fat Month Part 2: How To Eat For Small And Happy Fat Cells
Eating For Small And Happy Fat Cells By Mike Roussell, PhD One thing that is hard for people to wrap their head around is that their fat cells are there to stay. This isn’t horrible news because your fat cells have an incredible ability to not just expand, but shrink as well. So you can […]
Post 78: War On Fat Month. Part One Turning Fat Cells into Friends
Here we are in the middle of Summer. 95 degrees here in Denver and it is time to take a good look at where you are in your journey to get the type of body you want and the health you deserve.So I will be presenting some videos of the newest fat research from the […]
Post 77: Adrenal Fatigue
One of the biggest things I have come to realize about fitness is that there is an exception to every rule. In terms of getting fit and dropping fat, there may be more exceptions to the rule than you thought. In my experience by eating a better diet and exercising more almost everyone can build […]
Post 76: Decades Old Question: Is Antibacterial Soap Safe?
I have never thought the idea of antibacterial soap was a good idea, just my opinion. But it seems like this triclosan is bads news. Let’s take a look at what this article says. As always, read, research and decide for yourself. 1. Many chemicals used in everyday household products have never been formally approved by […]
Post 73: 8 Foods We Eat In The U.S. That Are Banned In Other Countries
A friend emailed me this article last week and it really caught my eye. Here is why. if you are reading this blog, I am assuming you are interested in fitness and improving your health. In terms of nutrition, we are always yammering on about eating natural foods over processed foods. I know it gets […]
Post 66: How Much Do You Know About Strength?
So you think you know about strength eh? Well take this quiz and lets see how you do. The following information is taken from Men’s Health Power Training by Robert dos Remedios , MA, CSCS By the way, this is an excellent book. Don’t let the “Men’s Health” throw you. This is a serious book. […]