Tis the season to overindulge. I had read a statistic that the average person gains 5-10 pounds over the holidays. This seems pretty spot on to me. The days are shorter and it seems like you go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. In many areas of the country it is cold and it can be very hard to get motivated when it is dark and cold.
January first will still be dark and cold but people will suddenly have found motivation to start an exercise program. At least for a few weeks. In a way that makes sense because you want to start the new year off in a good way. On the other hand, you are also doing this at the same time everyone else is starting a program and the gyms will be overcrowded and the vibe will be generally unpleasant. As Charles Dickens said, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times”.
That is why I am so happy you are on my website reading this. I am talking about transformation. Not losing your holiday weight but actually changing your life so you feel younger, look younger and start getting that confidence to do the things you always wanted to do.
I am in my fifties and doing things I never thought I would be able to do. That’s not bragging, that is figuring out how to stay healthy as I get older. Working out at fifty is very different than working out in your twenties. What I do is work with a select group of people who have made the decision that they are going to change and I help them with that. It is a hard club to get into because my time is limited but my people love it and get great results.
That being said, you have a lot of choices out there and most of them will work. Joining a bootcamp, spin class, gym, yoga, pilates, these are all great methods that work. What you want is a program that is not too intense because you will either burnout or be injured all the time. It can’t be too easy or you will show up but never make progress.
The argument for M Factor training is that I build it around your goals and make sure we progress at the right level. I don’t care what shape you are in or your experience level, I will create workouts that will get you lean, healthy and strong.
I am honest about what I do and if what I say makes intuitive sense, then we will be a great fit. On the other hand, if this sounds like too much work and commitment, you have a lot of other choices. No hard feeling on my end.
Reason 1 : You are willing to work.
Some people want results without working for it. Sad but true. It is not the end game that will make you successful, it is learning to enjoy the journey. And if you can’t enjoy the journey, you can at least gain respect for what it will give you.
There is nothing wrong with hard work. An essential skill in life is working hard when we don’t want to. You are a busy person, everything I ask of you has a specific purpose.
What I have noticed is that people will work to the level of their surroundings. If you step into a commercial gym, most people are kind of working out and that becomes the norm. You see the same people year in and year out and nobody makes progress. Some gyms even frown on working hard. Planet fitness has a lunk alarm that sounds if someone is making too much noise.
Working out hard should be the norm, not the exception. In home training bypasses that and allows you to work in the comfort of your own home without peer pressure.
Reason 2: You want to learn how your body works .
I push myself hard and as a consequence, I sometimes end up with minor dings and niggles. You probably have experienced the same thing. It happens and is perfectly normal. Even Formula One race cars break down.
What is important is to learn how to fix minor issues on your own before they turn into major ones. The key to aging gracefully and staying independent is learning this knowledge and applying it.
As a functional exercise coach, I give you exercises that help you better deal with daily movement and tasks. I also show you ways of eating that aren’t crazy and hard to follow.
Reason 3: You have Goals.
If you have a goal of losing ten pounds…that is a pretty crappy goal. Why? Well, what are you going to do once you lose it? Most people go back to their old habits and gradually put it on again.
I am looking for people that have big goals. When I talk about big goals I mean goals that have emotional meaning to them.
- You may want to hike the Grand Canyon.
- Maybe you want to be able to get down on the floor and play with their grandkids.
- Maybe you want to walk your first 5k race?
The goal ties everything together. If you don’t have an emotional goal, it is very hard to make time to do workouts. Something will always come up.
The genius of in home training is that I help you with accountability. I will hold you accountable and motivate you to think big about your goals. As your coach I will give you the roadmap to get there.
If you would like a free 30 minute consultation to see if this is right for you, please fill out the form below and I will be in touch.
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